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The lodge where our interns will be staying is located in the center of Sodwana Bay village within walking distance to shops and restaurants. The lodge provides comfortable, clean serviced rooms with a central swimming pool and free wifi. Rooms will be shared up to three interns per room. We provide 3 meals per day. Clean drinking water is also provided. We are also able to cater for vegetarians. 

The Main Camp has:

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Learning outcomes you will gain during this internship

  • Describe the general principles which govern marine ecosystem interactions and provide specific examples from the tropical marine areas of Sodwana Bay.
  • Identify common marine organism and their taxonomy.
  • Explain animal behavior and how it relates to physiological requirements, consumption, predation, and reproduction.
  • U​se a variety of field techniques to gather data which can be used to address ecological and management questions.
  • Learn proper techniques to sample benthic organisms.
  • Communicate with local communities and scientists to understand the stakeholder viewpoints which are important to the management decisions.
  • Understand how the physical and chemical oceanography  impacts marine life and how the marine ecosystems can be altered or improved.
  • Incorporate climate change science into coral reef and mangrove management.
  • Describe the goals and strategies that wildlife managers employ in Southern Africa.
  • Model human impact on marine ecosystems.
Activities and skills you will be working on
  • Performing underwater visual census surveys.
  • Processing underwater data and photos
    Monitoring coral reef health.
  • Learning fish ID and trophic relationships.
  • Completing reef health monitoring.
  • Documenting abundance and distribution of sharks.
  • Identifying marine invertebrate and their taxonomy.
  • Engaging with local communities.
  • Participating in beach clean ups.
  • Attending research and conservation lectures.
  • Maintaining and deploying underwater cameras.
  • Preparing and analyzing scientific samples.
  • Identifying the range of endangered sharks and rays.
  • Observing whale behavior and abundance.
  • Collecting and inputting data into database.
  • Performing data analyses.

What's Included

We take care of everything for you

What's Included:

  • 3 Meals Daily
  • WIFI
  • 24 Hour Emergency Contact
  • At least 5 Scuba dives per week, weather permitting
  • Housing
  • 2 Airport Transfers
  • Laundry
  • Field Study Abroad T-shirt
  • 3 Marine topic lectures per week
  • Cultural experience with local community
  • Visiting a local school

Academic Details:

  • 3 credits will be earned for a two week internship.
  • Up to 6 credits could be earned for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Program Fees include: Housing, Meals, On Site Instruction, Laundry, ​​WIFI, Airport transfer from arrival airport/town.
  • Tuition will be based on total credits chosen by students.

Wish List:

[Should you wish to bring some items from home]
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  • Ad brisket short loin, cupim duis consectetur bresaola porchetta kevin.
  • Dolor cupim ea sed qui tri-tip. Commodo rump eu biltong in dolore esse burgdoggen voluptate incididunt irure kielbasa jowl ullamco exercitation.